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Benschop, A., Wouters, M., & Korf, D.J. (2008) Flevomonitor 2007. Kwetsbare groepen en huiselijk geweld. Amsterdam: Rozenberg Publishers.

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Korf, D.J., & Wouters. M. (2008) Ontmantelen van hennepkwekerijen in Nederland. In: Decorte, T. (red.) Cannabisteelt in de Lage Landen. Perspectieven op de cannabismarkt in België en Nederland (pp. 87-103). Leuven/Voorburg: ACCO.

Korf, D.J. (2008) An open front door: the cofffee shop phenomenon in the Netherlands. In: Rödner Snitzman, S., Olsson, B. & Room, R. (eds.) A cannabis reader: global issues and local experiences (pp. 137-154). Lisbon: EMCCDA (EMCDDA Monographs 8, Vol. I).

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Korf, D.J., Brochu, S., Benschop, A., Harrsion, L.D., & Erickson, P.G. (2008) Teen drug sellers. An international study of segregated drug markets and related violence. Contemporary Drug problems, 35 (2), 153-176.

Korf, D.J., Wouters, M., Place, S., & Koet, S. (2008) Geloof & Geluk. Traditie en vernieuwing bij jonge moslims. Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Ger Guijs. [TABELLEN]

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Vervaeke, A., Benschop, A., & Korf, D.J. (2008) Predicting ecstasy use among young people at risk: a prospective study of initially ecstasy-naive subjects. Journal of Drug Education, 38, 131-146.

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