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Mr. H.B. (Hannah) van Kolfschooten LLM

Lecturer / Researcher
Faculty of Law
Photographer: Nieke Martens

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
  • Room number: A10.10
Postal address
  • Postbus 15859
    1001 NJ Amsterdam
  • Profile

    Hannah van Kolfschooten is a researcher and lecturer at the Law Centre for Health and Life (LCHL), University of Amsterdam. She is currently teaching and coordinating the course International and European Health Law in the Health Law master's program at the University of Amsterdam. She is also a PhD fellow at the Amsterdam Institute for Global Health and Development (AIGHD) and affiliated member of the Amsterdam Centre for European Law and Governance (ACELG). The topic of her PhD research is EU regulation of medical automated decision-making and focusses on safeguarding patients' rights. Her thesis supervisors are prof. J. Legemaate (UvA/AMC), dr. A. de Ruijter (UvA/ACELG) and dr. K. Irion (UvA/IViR). Other research interests include public health, human rights, and health technology. 

    Hannah received a LL.M. in Health Law (cum laude, 2018) and a LL.M. in Information Law (cum laude, 2019) from the University of Amsterdam. She also studied at the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa, for a semester. In the 2023 Spring semester, she was a Visiting Researcher in residence at Harvard Law School (Cambridge, Massachusetts) and the Petrie-Flom Center for Health Law Policy, Biotechnology, and Bioethics. Her research stay is funded by Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, Dr. Hendrik Muller Fonds, and Stichting Makaria. In the summer of 2023, she was a Visiting Scholar in residence at the University of Verona (Italy). In April 2024, she was a research fellow in residence with Fondation Brocher in Switzerland.

    Next to her research activities, she works as a consultant on medical AI regulation for non-profit organisation Health Action International. She is also the co-chair of the European Commission Thematic Network 2022 on The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Health Outcomes for Key Populations: Navigating Health Inequalities.

    Key publications: 

  • Publications


    • van Kolfschooten, H. (2024). Artificiële intelligentie in de ouderenzorg: Een voorstel voor een beoordelingsinstrument voor patiëntenrechten. In F. T. Schut, M. Varkevisser, K. Tromp, J. J. M. Sluijs, B. van der Kamp, H. B. van Kolfschooten, & F. H. de Haan (Eds.), Juridische aspecten rondom schaarste in de zorg: preadvies uitgebracht voor de Verenigung voor Gezondheidsrecht, jaarvergadering 12 april 2024 (pp. 87-115). (Preadvies Vereniging voor Gezondheidsrecht; Vol. 2024). Boom Juridische uitgevers. [details]
    • van Kolfschooten, H. B. (2024). The prospects of using AI in euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide: a legal exploration. AI and Ethics. Advance online publication.
    • van Kolfschooten, H., & Pilottin, A. (2024). Reinforcing Stereotypes in Health Care Through Artificial Intelligence–Generated Images: A Call for Regulation. Mayo Clinic Proceedings: Digital Health, 2(3), 335-341. Advance online publication. [details]






    • van Kolfschooten, H. (2019). EU Coordination of Serious Cross-Border Threats to Health: The Implications for Protection of Informed Consent in National Pandemic Policies. European Journal of Risk Regulation, 10(4), 635-651. [details]


    • Wijne, R. P., & van Kolfschooten, H. B. (2024). Diagnosticeren met AI en de aansprakelijkheid van de hulpverlener. Nederlands Juristenblad, 23, 1760-1773. Article 1414.
    • van Kolfschooten, H., de Ruijter, A., & Toebes, B. (2024). Voedselregulering als fundamenteel ingrediënt in het gezondheidsrecht. In Goed gezondheidsrecht: De maat van Legemaate (pp. 45-54). Boom.





    • van Kolfschooten, H. B. (2020). AB 2020/236. 236. Case note on: Rb. Den Haag, 5/02/20, ECLI:NL:RBDHA:2020:865 AB Rechtspraak Bestuursrecht, 2020(25), 1510-1539. [details]
    • van Kolfschooten, H. B. (2020). EU regulation of algorithmic decision-making in health: safeguarding patients’ rights in the era of artificial intelligence. EAHL Newsletter, (5).
    • van Kolfschooten, H., Neerhof, R., Nijboer, A., de Ruijter, A., & Visser, M. (2020). Juridisch instrumentarium voor een gezonde voedselomgeving in de stad. Universiteit van Amsterdam. [details]





    Prize / grant

    Membership / relevant position

    • van Kolfschooten, H. (2022-2023). European Commission Thematic Network 2022: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Health Outcomes for Key Populations: Navigating Health Inequalities.

    Media appearance

    Talk / presentation

    • van Kolfschooten, H. (keynote speaker) (20-6-2024). The EU regulatory framework on medical AI tools: the patients’ rights perspective, 27º Cycle of Debates - Nethis/Fiocruz: Artificial Intelligence and Health Inequalities, Brasília.
    • van Kolfschooten, H. (keynote speaker) (19-6-2024). The AI cycle of health inequity and digital ageism, PRIN 2022 SEMINAR SERIES: "Demographic and Legal Changes. Towards an Elder Law", Rome.
    • van Kolfschooten, H. (keynote speaker) (11-6-2024). Navigating the Impact of the AI Act on Patient Rights: A Focus on AI in Elderly Care, Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT).
    • van Kolfschooten, H. (keynote speaker) (22-5-2024). Regulating Medical Artificial Intelligence: A European Patients’ Rights Perspective, Les Rendez-Vous de L'IHM, Lausanne.
    • van Kolfschooten, H. (invited speaker) (15-5-2024). An Intersectional Critique of the Femtech Business Model: The Need For Standards In Reproductive Health Apps, Conference on Reproductive Rights: Legal Developments and Challenges, Amsterdam.
    • van Kolfschooten, H. (keynote speaker) (12-4-2024). Artificiële intelligentie in de ouderenzorg: Een voorstel voor een beoordelingsinstrument voor patiëntenrechten, Vereniging voor Gezondheidsrecht Jaarvergadering 2024: Juridische aspecten rondom schaarste in de zorg, Utrecht.,cntnt01,detail,0&cntnt01articleid=20&cntnt01pagelimit=10&cntnt01returnid=3
    • van Kolfschooten, H. (keynote speaker) (9-4-2024). Patients' Rights in EU Regulation of Medical Artificial Intelligence, Midi Santé - Institut de droit de la santé, Neuchâtel.
    • van Kolfschooten, H. (speaker) (8-4-2024). EU Regulation of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: A Patients’ Rights Perspective, Brocher Foundation.
    • van Kolfschooten, H. (keynote speaker) (15-12-2023). Artificial Intelligence in de euthanasiepraktijk, Jubileumcongres 25 jaar Regionale Toetsingscommissies Euthanasie, Amsterdam.
    • van Kolfschooten, H. (invited speaker) (4-12-2023). Legal challenges of AI in elderly care: a human rights perspective, RESOURCE Winter School: Ethics and Ageing: A Dialogue with International Experts , Basel.
    • van Kolfschooten, H. (speaker) (6-9-2023). The EU’s Hand in Global Health Inequity in the Age of AI: Digital Ethics Dumping and AI Colonialism, UACES 53rd Annual Conference in Belfast, Belfast.
    • van Kolfschooten, H. (speaker) (5-9-2023). The EU’s Hand in Global Health Inequity in the Age of AI: Digital Ethics Dumping and AI Colonialism in Africa, Digital Health: Regulatory and Policy Perspectives, Coventry.
    • van Kolfschooten, H. (keynote speaker) (6-6-2023). Artificial Intelligence in Pharmaceutical Systems: Regulatory Challenges (lecture in short course "Pharmaceutical policies in health systems"), Institute of Tropical Medicine.
    • van Kolfschooten, H. (speaker) (4-5-2023). The EU's Data Colonialism: Parallels between the EU’s regulation of clinical trials and artificial intelligence, 16th Annual McGill Graduate Law Conference - Law & Prejudice, Montréal.
    • van Kolfschooten, H. (speaker) (13-4-2023). A New Era for Patients' Trust? A Health Law Perspective on Trust and Trustworthiness in EU Risk Regulation of Artificial Intelligence, EU health governance: An opportunity for trust and solidarity?
      , Amsterdam.
    • van Kolfschooten, H. (keynote speaker) (29-3-2023). Patients’ Rights and Algorithmic Decision-Making in Health: A Legal Perspective on EU Regulation of Artificial Intelligence in Public Health Surveillance, Harvard Law School VSVR Spring Colloquium, Cambridge.
    • van Kolfschooten, H. (keynote speaker) (16-1-2023). The mHealth Power Paradox: Improving Data Protection in Health Apps through Self-Regulation in the EU, Foreningen Industriel Retsbeskyttelse (
      , København.
    • van Kolfschooten, H. (keynote speaker) (8-12-2022). A deep dive into the world of artificial intelligence and what it means for the health sector, Webinar Health Action International: How to realise a health-centric Artificial Intelligence Act.
    • van Kolfschooten, H. (keynote speaker) (2-12-2022). Health AI and EU Fundamental Rights, EU Health Policy Platform: 1st Live Webinar of the Thematic Network Navigating Health Inequalities in the EU through Artificial Intelligence.
    • van Kolfschooten, H. (speaker) (24-11-2022). The Quest for Effective AI Regulation in Healthcare: A Patients’ Rights Perspective, Digital Legal Talks 2022, Utrecht.
    • van Kolfschooten, H. (invited speaker) (10-11-2022). Local regulations to limit unhealthy food outlets: a law perspective, The role of food environments in prevention and public health Law, regulations and public procurement for local food environments
      , Wageningen.
    • van Kolfschooten, H. (invited speaker) (1-11-2022). Panellist "Solving disparities using digital technology" (hosted by Societal Participation & Health, Digital Health and Global Health), Amsterdam Public Health Annual Meeting 2022: 'Digitalization' , Amsterdam.
    • van Kolfschooten, H. (keynote speaker) & Shabani, M. (keynote speaker) (28-10-2022). Understanding AI webinar series: EU Legislation on AI - The New AI Act: Challenges for Patients' Rights and the European Health Data Space, European Patients' Forum.
    • van Kolfschooten, H. (speaker) (21-7-2022). Building Trust in Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: A European Union Legal Perspective, 16th World Congress of Bioethics, Basel.
    • van Kolfschooten, H. (speaker) (10-6-2022). How EU Regulation for Trustworthy AI Can Underpin Patients' Trust in Automated Decision-Making in Health, 11th Biennial Conference of the SGEU, Rome.
    • van Kolfschooten, H. (speaker) (10-5-2022). Building Trust in Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: A European Union Legal Perspective, Health Law PhD Workshop Groningen, Groningen.
    • van Kolfschooten, H. (speaker) (21-4-2022). EU Regulation of Algorithmic Decision-Making in Health: The GDPR as a New Patients' Rights Instrument?, Eight European Conference on Health Law, Ghent.
    • van Kolfschooten, H. (invited speaker) (16-3-2022). Panellist: "Progress monitoring: the role of the go/no go decision and the progress monitoring aimed at PhD completion in 4 years", Healthy PhD Practices, Rotterdam.
    • van Kolfschooten, H. (speaker) (11-3-2022). Reflections on the implementation & legal challenges, AI for Global Health: Decision Support Systems, Amsterdam Institute for Global Health & Development and VU Campus Center for AI & Health, Amsterdam.
    • van Kolfschooten, H. (speaker) (10-3-2022). Juridische mogelijkheden regulering lokale voedselomgeving, Academische Werkplaats Voedsel, GGD Amsterdam, Amsterdam.
    • van Kolfschooten, H. (speaker) (6-3-2022). Podcast: Gezonde voedselomgeving (Healthy food environment) - with Jaap Seidell, Anniek de Ruijter and Hannah van Kolfschooten, Law Centre for Health and Life - Podcast series.
    • van Kolfschooten, H. (speaker) (3-12-2021). Europese regulering van artificiële intelligentie in de zorg, Jaarcongres Gezondheidsrecht, Utrecht.
    • van Kolfschooten, H. (speaker) (21-9-2021). #8 Humane Conversations – “Developing AI for Healthcare” with Ivana Išgum and Hannah van Kolfschooten, Humane AI Conversations, webinar series from Humane AI .
    • van Kolfschooten, H. (speaker) (5-3-2021). Juridisch instrumentarium voor gezonde voedselomgeving, Webinar Voedselomgevingen , Gent.
    • van Kolfschooten, H. (speaker) (9-12-2020). EU regulation of algorithmic decision-making in health, European Association of Health Law PhD Seminar, Brussels.
    • de Ruijter, A. (speaker) & van Kolfschooten, H. (speaker) (18-6-2019). Multi-Level Constitutional Interactions for Health Security in Europe, Global Health Security (2019), Sydney.
    • van Kolfschooten, H. (speaker) (7-12-2018). The Role of the Right to Informed Consent in Pandemic Policies. EU and WHO Coordination of National Responses to Public Health Emergencies, European Governance of Health Crises and Disaster Management
      Concepts, Tools and Processes, Amsterdam.


    • van Kolfschooten, H. (organiser), Palmieri, S. (organiser) & Petrocnik, T. (organiser) (24-11-2022). HEALTH (DATA) IS WEALTH: The Quest for Effective AI Regulation in Healthcare, Digital Legal Talks 2022, Utrecht (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van Kolfschooten, H. (organiser) (21-4-2022). Workshop: 'Mind the gap: The EU-domestic interface and itsimplications for health lawyers' at the 8th European Conference on Health Law, Ghent (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van Kolfschooten, H. (organiser), Perehudoff, K. (organiser) & de Ruijter, A. (chair) (21-4-2022). Workshop: 'Mind the gap: The EU-domestic interface and itsimplications for health lawyers' at the 8th European Conference on Health Law, Ghent. Health law is no longer a strictly domestic matter and the EU-domestic interface highly influences the practice of health lawyers. This influence is (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van Kolfschooten, H. (participant) (9-2-2022 - 11-2-2022). Winter School on “Algorithmic State, Market and Society” (University of Florence, European University Institute, Bocconi University and University of Oxford), Florence (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van Kolfschooten, H. (participant) (28-6-2021 - 3-7-2021). Summer School on the Law, Ethics and Policy of Artificial Intelligence (KU Leuven), Leuven (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van Kolfschooten, H. (participant) & de Ruijter, A. (participant) (18-6-2019 - 20-6-2019). Global Health Security (2019), Sydney (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    This list of publications is extracted from the UvA-Current Research Information System. Questions? Ask the library or the Pure staff of your faculty / institute. Log in to Pure to edit your publications. Log in to Personal Page Publication Selection tool to manage the visibility of your publications on this list.
  • Ancillary activities
    • Stichting Health Action International
      Consultant policy advocacy (AI and Medicines)