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Dr. S.K. (Katrina) Perehudoff

Faculty of Law
Photographer: Aäron Blomme

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
Postal address
  • Postbus 15557
    1001 NB Amsterdam
Contact details
Social media
  • Profile

    Katrina Perehudoff, MSc LLM PhD, is a health scientist and legal scholar with over a decade of experience in pharmaceutical policy. She is an assistant professor at the University of Amsterdam’s Law Centre for Health and Life. Katrina is also affiliated with the Amsterdam Institute of Global Health & Development (AIGHD), the Amsterdam Centre for European Law and Governance (ACELG), the Amsterdam Centre for European Studies (ACES), the WHO Collaborating Centre for Governance, Accountability, and Transparency in the Pharmaceutical Sector (University of Toronto), and Medicines Law & Policy.

    Katrina’s research focuses on international and European aspects of pharmaceutical law and policy and equitable access to medicines. She holds a Veni grant (2022-2025) from the Dutch Research Council to examine the legal and empirical aspects of the EU’s role in global access to medicines. Katrina is also the supervisor of a Hestia grant (2023-2025) from the Dutch Research Council and implemented with Mr. Majd Alshoufi to investigate the 'side effects' of the EU's pharmaceutical legislation in the North Africa and Middle East region. She is a co-investigator of the END-VOC consortium (2022-2025) financed by Horizon Europe to develop pandemic preparedness strategies for new Covid-19 variants of concern through legal and regulatory interventions concerning vaccines.

    Katrina draws on her expertise and practical experience in global health policy as the co-ordinator of the Global Health and International Law course, taught together with Ms. Pramiti Parwani, in the UvA Bachelors of Law minor in International Law.

    Katrina trained as a post doctoral researcher at the International Centre for Reproductive Health- a WHO Collaborating Centre for Research on Sexual and Reproductive Health, Ghent University (Belgium), and at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto (Canada). She is an alumna of the Comparative Program on Health & Society (2017) and the Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship program (2007-2008). Katrina has completed Visiting Fellowships at the Munk School of Global Affairs (2017) and Harvard Medical School (2019). She has a Masters of Science (health sciences) from the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, a Masters of Law (European law) from Ghent University, and a PhD from the University of Groningen. 

    Katrina applies her research findings to policy and practice through her involvement as a member of the Advisory Board of the Pharmaceutical Accountability Foundation and a member of the European Association of Health Action International. She has advised the WHO European Regional Office, Organisation for Co-Operation and Development, members of the European Parliament and national parliaments, the FXB Center for Health and Human Rights at Harvard University, and various NGOs.


  • Publications


    • Turkie, R., Perehudoff, S. K., Sellin, J., & Sainz, A. (2025). Ensuring Pharmaceutical Accountability for Human Rights and Access to Medicines: The Dutch Duty of Care Standard Applied to Pharmaceutical Companies. Journal of Human Rights Practice, 17(1), 154–176.


    • Perehudoff, K., & Ippel, K. A. (2024). The EU as a Political Determinant of Global Health: The Case of Research and Development Incentives for Orphan Medicines and Biotechnology. Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 49(5), 911-938.
    • Perehudoff, S. K. (2024). From Brussels to the World: The Diffusion of EU Pharmaceutical Legislation towards Developing Economies. European Journal of Risk Regulation. Advance online publication.
    • Wong, A., Perehudoff, K., & Kohler, J. C. (2024). Legislating for Good Governance in the Pharmaceutical Sector through UN Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC) Compliance. Global public health, 19(1), Article 2350649.




    • Perehudoff, K. (2020). Universal access to essential medicines as part of the right to health: a cross-national comparison of national laws, medicines policies, and health system indicators. Global Health Action, 13(1), Article 1699342. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Perehudoff, K., Demchenko, I., Alexandrov, N. V., Brutsaert, D., Ackon, A., Durán, C. E., El-Dahiyat, F., Hafidz, F., Haque, R., Hussain, R., Salenga, R., Suleman, F., & Babar, Z-U-D. (2020). Essential Medicines in Universal Health Coverage: A Scoping Review of Public Health Law Interventions and How They Are Measured in Five Middle-Income Countries. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(24), Article 9524. [details]
    • Perehudoff, K., Vermandere, H., Williams, A., Bautista-Arredondo, S., De Paepe, E., Dias, S., Gama, A., Keygnaert, I., Longatto-Filho, A., Ortiz, J., Padalko, E., Reis, R. M., Vanderheijden, N., Vega, B., Verberckmoes, B., & Degomme, O. (2020). Universal cervical cancer control through a right to health lens: Refocusing national policy and programmes on underserved women. BMC International Health and Human Rights, 20(1), Article 21.


    • Perehudoff, K., & Forman, L. (2019). What Constitutes 'Reasonable' State Action on Core Obligations? Considering a Right to Health Framework to Provide Essential Medicines. Journal of Human Rights Practice, 11(1), 1-21.
    • Perehudoff, S. K., Alexandrov, N. V., & Hogerzeil, H. V. (2019). Access to essential medicines in 195 countries: A human rights approach to sustainable development. Global public health, 14(3), 431-444.
    • Perehudoff, S. K., Alexandrov, N. V., & Hogerzeil, H. V. (2019). Legislating for universal access to medicines: a rights-based cross-national comparison of UHC laws in 16 countries. Health Policy and Planning, 34(Supplement_3), iii48-iii57.
    • Perehudoff, S. K., Alexandrov, N. V., & Hogerzeil, H. V. (2019). The right to health as the basis for universal health coverage: A cross-national analysis of national medicines policies of 71 countries. PLoS ONE, 14(6), Article e0215577.


    • Berro Pizzarossa, L., Perehudoff, K., & Castela Forte, J. (2018). How the Uruguayan judiciary shapes access to high-priced medicines: A critique through the right to health lens. Health and Human Rights, 20(1), 93-105.
    • Lavan, A., Eustace, J., Dahly, D., Flanagan, E., Gallagher, P., Cullinane, S., Petrovic, M., Perehudoff, K., Gudmondsson, A., Samuelsson, Ó., Sverrisdóttir, Á., Cherubin, A., Dimitri, F., Rimland, J., Cruz-Jentoft, A., Vélez-Díaz-Pallarés, M., Lozano Montoya, I., Soiza, R. L., Subbarayan, S., & O’Mahony, D. (2018). Incident adverse drug reactions in geriatric inpatients: a multicentred observational study. Therapeutic Advances in Drug Safety, 9(1), 13-23.
    • Perehudoff, K., & 't Hoen, E. (2018). Human Rights and Intellectual Property for Universal Access to New Essential Medicines. In Equitable Access to High-Cost Pharmaceuticals (pp. 67-87). Elsevier.
    • Perehudoff, K., Berro Pizzarossa, L., & Stekelenburg, J. (2018). Realising the right to sexual and reproductive health: Access to essential medicines for medical abortion as a core obligation. BMC International Health and Human Rights, 18(1), Article 8.


    • Berro Pizzarossa, L., & Perehudoff, K. (2017). Global survey of national constitutions: Mapping constitutional commitments to sexual and reproductive health and rights. Health and Human Rights, 19(2), 279-293.


    • Perehudoff, K., Azermai, M., Wauters, M., Van Acker, S., Versluys, K., Steeman, E., & Petrovic, M. (2016). The psychotropic education and knowledge test for nurses in nursing homes: striving for PEAK performance. Aging and Mental Health, 20(11), 1182-1189.
    • Perehudoff, K., Petrovic, M., O'Neill, D., & Cherubini, A. (2016). A survey of geriatric expertise in medicines evaluation at national regulatory agencies in Europe: There is still room for improvement! European geriatric medicine, 7(5), 430-433.
    • Perehudoff, K., Toebes, B., & Hogerzeil, H. (2016). A human rights-based approach to the reimbursement of expensive medicines. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 94(12), 935-936.
    • Perehudoff, S. K., Toebes, B., & Hogerzeil, H. (2016). Essential medicines in national constitutions: Progress since 2008. Health and Human Rights, 18(1), 141-156.
    • Wauters, M., Azermai, M., Perehudoff, K., Versluys, K., Steeman, E., & Petrovic, M. (2016). Development and validation of the Psychotropic Education and Knowledge (PEAK) test on psychotropic drugs for nurses in an acute geriatric care setting. European geriatric medicine, 7(2), 135-141.


    • Perehudoff, K., Azermai, M., Somers, A., Vander Stichele, R., & Petrovic, M. (2015). Medication discrepancies in older patients admitted to non-geriatric wards: An exploratory study. European geriatric medicine, 6(1), 41-45.


    • Somers, A., Robays, H., De Paepe, P., Van Maele, G., Perehudoff, K., & Petrovic, M. (2013). Evaluation of clinical pharmacist recommendations in the geriatric ward of a Belgian university hospital. Clinical Interventions in Aging, 8, 703-709.


    • Perehudoff, S. K., Laing, R. O., & Hogerzeil, H. V. (2010). Access to essential medicines in national constitutions. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 88(11).


    • Guarinoni, M., Smith, D. G., & Perehudoff, S. K. (2008). EU's proposed pesticide legislation promises better environmental health. Outlooks on Pest Management, 19(6), 249-251.


    • Perehudoff, S. K. (2024). Scoping the EU's health impact in the Southern Neighbourhood: Building resilience and trust. European Journal of Public Health, 34(supplement 3), 343-344.


    • Forman, L. (Guest ed.), Corea, C. (Guest ed.), & Perehudoff, S. K. (Guest ed.) (2022). Special section: COVID-19 Vaccine Equity and Human Rights. Health and Human Rights, 24(2), 121-228.
    • Perehudoff, K. (2022). European governments should align medicines pricing practices with global transparency norms and legal principles. Lancet Regional Health Europe, 16, Article 100375. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Perehudoff, K., 't Hoen, E., Mara, K., Balasubramaniam, T., Abbott, F., Baker, B., Boulet, P., Kamal-Yanni, M., Martin, M., Munoz Tellez, V., Natsis, Y., Ortún-Rubio, V., Rathod, S., Torrent, M., Vawda, Y., Villarroel, L., & Love, J. (2022). A pandemic treaty for equitable global access to medical countermeasures: Seven recommendations for sharing intellectual property, know-how and technology. BMJ Global Health, 7(7), Article e009709. [details]
    • Perehudoff, K., Wirtz, V. J., Wong, A., Rusu, V., & Kohler, J. (2022). A global social contract to ensure access to essential medicines and health technologies. BMJ Global Health, 7(11), Article e010057. [details]



    • 't Hoen, E., Meyer, S., Durisch, P., Bannenberg, W., Perehudoff, K., Reed, T., & Barber, M. J. (2019). Improving affordability of new Essential Cancer Medicines. The Lancet Oncology, 20(8), 1052-1054.
    • Jennings, E., Lavan, A., Dahly, D., Eustace, J., Flanagan, E., Gallagher, P., Cullinane, S., Petrovic, M., Perehudoff, K., Gudmondsson, A., Samuelsson, Ó., Sverrisdóttir, Á., Cherubin, A., Dimitri, F., Rimland, J., Cruz-Jentoft, A., Vélez-Díaz-Pallarés, M., Lozano Montoya, I., Soiza, R. L., ... O'Mahony, D. (2019). A DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS OF CAUSATIVE DRGS/DRG CLASSES OF INCIDENT ADVERSE DRG REACTIONS IN ACUTELY HOSPITALIZED OLDER-ADULTS: SENATOR (PHASE I). Age and Ageing, 48(Supplement 3), iii17. Article 91.




    • Perehudoff, S. K., & de Visser, C. (2023). Exploration of the factors that influence pharmaceutical companies to market their products in low- and middle-income countries. Abstract from UU-WHO Pharmaceutical Policy Winter Meeting, Utrecht, Netherlands.

    Prize / grant

    Membership / relevant position

    • Perehudoff, K. (2021-2022). Contributing investigator to Prof. Lisa Forman's (University of Toronto) Connaught Global Challenges Grant on 'Advancing Rights-based Access to (…), Dalla Lana School of Public Health.
    • Perehudoff, K. (2021-2025). Fellow at ACES, Amsterdam Centre for European Studies (ACES).
    • Perehudoff, K. (2020-2022). Fellow at the WHO Collaborating Centre, directed by Prof. Jillian Kohler at the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Toronto., WHO Collaborating Centre for Governance, Accountability, and Transparency in the Pharmaceutical Sector, University of Toronto, 144 College Street, Toronto, ON M5S 3M2, Canada..…
    • Perehudoff, K. (2020-2025). Fellow at AIGHD., Amsterdam Institute for Global Health and Development.
    • Perehudoff, K. (2018-2021). Pharmaceutical Accountability Foundation.
    • Perehudoff, K. (2013-2021). Health Action International.

    Media appearance

    Talk / presentation

    • Perehudoff, K. (speaker) (21-1-2025). Invited presentation to the OHCHR's 'Virtual expert workshop on new developments in ensuring access to medicines, vaccines and other health products', Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR).
    • Perehudoff, K. (speaker) (6-12-2024). Invited presentation to the members of Medicijnen Netwerk Nederland, Medicijnen Netwerk Nederland.
    • Perehudoff, K. (speaker) (9-2024). Europe’s Pharmaceutical Industry and EU Law Through a Colonial Lens, UACES Annual Conference 2024, Trento, Trento.
    • Perehudoff, K. (speaker) (9-2024). Accounting for EU external effects: From clinical trials to AI data colonialism, Special Issue Workshop on Regulating Global Digital Health.
    • Perehudoff, K. (speaker) (9-2024). How the EU Influences Law, Markets, and Medicines in the Developing World, UACES Annual Conference 2024, Trento, Trento.
    • Perehudoff, K. (speaker) (27-5-2024). Expensive Medicines, Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal.
    • Perehudoff, K. (speaker) (18-4-2024). EU developments in pharmaceutical law, World Health Organisation.
    • Perehudoff, K. (speaker) (16-2-2024). OHCHR 2nd Expert Workshop on key challenges and new developments in ensuring access to medicines, vaccines and other health products, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR).
    • Perehudoff, K. (speaker) (6-2-2024). 4th WHO Fair Pricing Forum, World Health Organization.
    • Perehudoff, K. (speaker) (11-1-2024). Are innovative medicines centrally approved by the EU also approved in LMICs?, UU-WHO Pharmaceutical Policy Winter Meeting, Utrecht.
    • Perehudoff, K. (speaker) (24-11-2023). Copenhagen Centre for Regulatory Science (CORS) Annual Conference 2023, Copenhagen Centre for Regulatory Science.
    • Perehudoff, K. (speaker) (12-7-2023). Access to medicines as a human right: Responsibilities of governments, Utrecht Summer School courses Pharmaceutical Policy Analysis and Global Health Ethics and Equity, Utrecht.
    • Perehudoff, K. (speaker) (9-3-2023). Pandemic Treaty and access to medicines, Houses of the Oireachtas (Irish Houses of Parliament).
    • Perehudoff, K. (speaker) (25-1-2023). EU developments in pharmaceutical law for affordable access to medicines, WHO Policy Dialogue on ensuring sustainable and affordable access to effective and novel medicines in Moldova, Georgia and Armenia, Chisinau.…
    • Perehudoff, K. (speaker) (25-1-2023). EU-global interplay of pharmaceutical regulation, EUHealthGov webinar on EU Pharma Strategy.
    • Perehudoff, K. (speaker) & Qazilbash, H. (speaker) (17-5-2022). Ships passing in the night: Human rights in global health and trade responses to Covid-19 vaccine access (working title), Paper Development Workshop for Connaught Special Issue on Vaccine Access & Human Rights.
    • Perehudoff, K. (invited speaker) (16-2-2022). Is access to medicines a right?, Sciences Po Paris.
    • Perehudoff, K. (speaker) (13-12-2021). Exploring the global 'side effects' of the EMA's internal policy, Seminar on 'The European Medicines Agency: An emerging player in global health policy'.
    • Perehudoff, K. (invited speaker) (24-11-2021). OECD Roundtable exploring the feasibility and impact of sharing information on medicines prices across countries, Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD).
    • Perehudoff, K. (invited speaker) (4-11-2021). Fireside with Global Health Law Consortium 'Towards EU guiding principles for access to medicines', Global Health Law Consortium.
    • Perehudoff, K. (invited speaker) (4-11-2021). 'Innovation & Access to Medicines: Opportunities for systemic integration in international law' at KNVIR Annual Conference, 2021 KNVIR Annual Conference, Den Haag.
    • Habibi, R. (speaker), Perehudoff, K. (speaker), Mason Meier, B. (speaker) & Fish, T. (speaker) (22-10-2021). CCIL Panel on Global Health in Times of COVID-19: Towards Systemic Integration Across International Law Regimes of Trade, Health and Human Rights, 50th Annual Conference of the Canadian Council of International Law, Ottawa.
    • Perehudoff, K. (invited speaker) (21-10-2021). 'Impact of the EU on access to medicines in developing countries' at Lancet RH Europe webinar, Lancet Regional Health - Europe webinar 'How can we build resilient health systems for Europe?'.
    • Perehudoff, K. (speaker) (30-9-2021). Lessons learned for monitoring Good Covid-19 Company Practices, Expert Panel organised by the Pharmaceutical Accountability Foundation.
    • Perehudoff, K. (speaker) (6-9-2021). UACES Conference Panel on EU Health Governance I: The Politics of Pharmaceuticals in Europe, UACES Annual Conference.
    • Perehudoff, K. (speaker) (2-12-2020). Equitable allocation of Covid-19 vaccines to minorities downstream relies on upstream sharing of intellectual property, knowledge, and data, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR).
    • Perehudoff, K. (speaker) (27-11-2020). Business & human rights in public health crises: Evaluating vaccine developers’ behaviour in the Covid-19 pandemic, Interdisciplinary Master Class in Global Health and Development.
    • Perehudoff, K. (speaker) (29-10-2020). ACTA in the Context of COVID-19: A Conversation, University of Toronto.


    • Perehudoff, K. (participant) (28-10-2025 - 29-10-2025). Building bridges for medicines justice: Law and civil society engagement, Amsterdam. Conference Chair (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Perehudoff, K. (participant) (10-2024). International organisations shaping access to medicines in developing economies, Amsterdam. Organizer (10 Oct 2024). Seminar on “International organisations shaping access to medicines in developing economies" with Prof. em. Hans Hogerzeil (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Perehudoff, K. (participant) (9-2024). Legal and policy challenges to pharmaceutical regulation, Amsterdam. Organizer (9 Jan 2024). Seminar on “Legal and policy challenges to pharmaceutical regulation" with Prof. Barbara Mintzes (University of Sydney). (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Perehudoff, K. (participant) (9-1-2024). Legal and policy challenges to pharmaceutical regulation, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Perehudoff, K. (participant) (11-2023). Reimagining a decolonial digital health agenda, Amsterdam. Organizer (1 Nov 2023). Seminar on “Reimagining a decolonial digital health agenda" with Prof. Sharifah Sekalala (Warwick University). (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Perehudoff, K. (participant) (11-2022). What does a right to health bring to equitable access to pandemic vaccines and medicines?, Amsterdam. Organizer (9 Nov 2022). Seminar on "What does a right to health bring to equitable access to pandemic vaccines and medicines?" with Prof. Lisa Forman (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Lemmens, T. (consultant), Grimier, K. (consultant), Perehudoff, K. (consultant) & Persaud, N. (consultant) (1-9-2022). The social contract and human rights bases for promoting access to effective, novel, high-priced medicines, WHO Regional Office for Europe (consultancy).
    • van Kolfschooten, H. (organiser), Perehudoff, K. (organiser) & de Ruijter, A. (chair) (21-4-2022). Workshop: 'Mind the gap: The EU-domestic interface and itsimplications for health lawyers' at the 8th European Conference on Health Law, Ghent. Health law is no longer a strictly domestic matter and the EU-domestic interface highly influences the practice of health lawyers. This influence is (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Perehudoff, K. (organiser) (13-12-2021). Seminar on 'The European Medicines Agency: An emerging player in global health policy'. This seminar is co-sponsored by the UvA Law Centre for Health and Life, ACELG, ACES, AIGHD, EUPHA section on Law & Public Health, and section on (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Perehudoff, K. (chair) (10-12-2021). HAI Europe Virtual Café on Access to medicines & Human rights. Taking place on Human Rights Day, this HAI Europe Café brings together academicsand advocates to converse with HAI members about how the Covid-19 (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Perehudoff, K. (organiser) (12-11-2021). Seminar on ‘Access to medicines for sexual and reproductive health in Sub-Saharan Africa’, Amsterdam. Speaker: Denis Kibira PhD(c) (Utrecht University/HEPS Uganda) will discuss the main findings from his PhD thesis assessing public policies for access (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Perehudoff, K. (organiser) (11-10-2021 - 12-10-2021). Expert meeting & seminar on IP aspects of medical countermeasures in a Pandemic Treaty. Co-sponsored by Medicines Law & Policy, Knowledge Ecology International and the Menorca School of Public Health.
      (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Perehudoff, K. (chair) (29-6-2021). HAI Europe Virtual Café on the EU's impact on medicines in the Global South (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Perehudoff, K. (other) (2021). Daily supervisor of Pramiti Parwani's PhD thesis (other).
    • Perehudoff, K. (other) (2021 - 2022). Promoter of Moses Mulumba's PhD thesis (other).
    • Perehudoff, K. (consultant) (1-8-2020 - 31-12-2022). Research on medicines innovation and access, Medicines Law & Policy, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. (consultancy).


    • Kibira, D., van den Ham, H. A., Wuyts, E., Omwoha, J., Michielsen, K., Mantel-Teeuwisse, A. K., Pericas, C. & Perehudoff, K. (2022). A comparative human rights analysis of laws and policies for adolescent contraception in Uganda and Kenya. figshare Academic Research System.
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  • Ancillary activities
    • London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medi
      Tutor (currently inactive), Law & Global Health online course
    • Stichting Farma ter Verantwoording
      Advisory Board Member (unpaid)
    • WHO Collaborating Center, Uni of Toronto
      Fellow (unpaid)