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On 17, 18 and 19 July, 2024, the Amsterdam Law School will host the 10th edition of the International Legal Ethics Conference (ILEC). This is the first time that this conference will be held in the Netherlands. The conference will be opened by Lucia Ling Ket On, Director of Legal Affairs of the municipality of Amsterdam. Through keynotes, roundtable sessions and a special stream on digitisation, innovation and access to law, several fundamental themes and questions will be addressed.
Event details of International Legal Ethics Conference 2024
Start date
17 July 2024
End date
19 July 2024

Theme: digitisation in legal practice

The overarching theme of the conference is digitisation in legal practice. Conference chair and Professor Legal philosophy and Legal ethics Iris van Domselaar explains: ‘There is a lot going on about that theme. Not only what digitisation means for the work processes of legal professionals but also for professional ethics and access to law. The beauty of this conference is the comparative law perspective. Speakers from different countries talk about developments in their own countries.’


Keynotes will include:

  • Lucia Ling Ket On, Director of Legal Affairs of the municipality of Amsterdam
  • Mr. Jeroen Soeteman, Incoming dean The Netherlands Bar
  • Prof. Dr. Natali Helberger - University Professor in Law and Digital Technology
  • Dr. Sam Muller - Founding Director of HiiL
  • Prof. Dr. John Morison - Professor of Jurisprudence, Queens University Belfast

There will also be two roundtable discussions:

  • 'The Independence of the Judiciary: Lessons from Poland' with Prof. Dr. Marc de Werd, Prof. Dr. Kees Sterk, Prof. Dr. Scott Cumminga and Monika Frackowiak
  • 'The Legal Profession and the Climate Crisis' with Prof. Dr. Steven Vaughan (University College London), John F. Sherman, Prof. Dr. Birgit Spiesshofer (University of Bremen), Danny Hoekzema (Pontus Lawyers) and Dr. Nicky van Dijk (Milieudefensie)

Download the complete 3 day conference programme (pdf)


ILEC 2024 is organised by Iris van Domselaar, Tamara Butter, Eric Boot, Ihlara Bouwman and Niels Graaf of the University of Amsterdam. They are all affiliated with the Amsterdam Centre on the Legal Professions and Access to Justice (ACLPA).

You'll find more information about the conference on the website ILEC24.

Roeterseilandcampus - building A

Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
1018 WV Amsterdam