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We are happy to share the recent publication of the book "Vaccins," which includes an interesting contribution by Pramiti Parwani, from the Law Centre for Health and Life, and Rogier Simons. Their section, titled "The SARS-CoV-2 Outbreak and the International Response to the Pandemic: Legal Aspects of Global Vaccine Equity," delves into the legal challenges and solutions surrounding global vaccine equity during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.

"Vaccins" is a collaboration between the Biosciences and Society Foundation (BWM) and Lias Publishers, aimed at bringing the latest life sciences developments with social impact to a broader audience. The book is edited by Prof. Dr. Cécile van Els (RIVM), Dr. Jim van Steenbergen (BWM), Dr. Jannes van Everdingen (BWM), and Astrid van de Graaf (editor-in-chief). Pramiti Parwani and Rogier Simons' contribution highlights the critical importance of legal frameworks in ensuring fair access to vaccines globally, a topic that has gained unprecedented relevance in light of the recent pandemic. 

P. (Pramiti) Parwani

Faculty of Law
