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On 12 September 2024, led by Amsterdam UMC and in collaboration with public and private partners, the national project DESTRESS was launched. This initiative focuses on early recognition of stress in employees. Corrette Ploem, from the Law Centre for Health and Life and Marieke Bak will focus on the ELSI work package with others.

Corrette Ploem, from the Law Centre for Health and Life and Marieke Bak are focusing on the ELSI work package with others. In doing so, they will conduct legal and ethical research on the responsible use of AI technology in the workplace with the important goal of preventing and countering stress. The use of AI in the work context can be very useful, but the risks to individuals and society must be able to be recognised and addressed. 

Prof. mr. M.C. (Corrette) Ploem

Faculty of Law
