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Researchers seeking funding for their research can make use of:

Faculty research funds

The Amsterdam Law School has several faculty research funds:

  • Strategic research investments fund (2025: no calls)

    All faculty researchers can submit plans since 2022 to obtain funding for:

    Strategic research investments

    This fund specifically serves to fund research initiatives that support participation of law school researchers in large research initiatives and that help generate and/or maintain external research funding. In addition, the fund aims to promote innovation, social relevance and cooperation between faculty researchers. 

    In this new fund the former Faculty Research Strategic Investment Fund and the Methods and Inter- and Multi-disciplinary Research Fund have been merged.

    There will be no calls in 2025. The 2025 budget has already been spent on projects that were started and will be implemented in 2025.


    This fund is to support research initiatives that help to achieve the objectives of the 2021-2026 Faculty Strategic Plan or the UvA Strategic Plan if not (fully) covered in other parts of the allocation. The faculty research fund has a limited budget. The final award decision is made by the ARILS director and the dean.

  • Impact Fund for Research (1-2x per year)

    The faculty has decided to launch a modest fund which can support researchers at all levels in their career with creating impact. It is focused on non-scientific forms of impact: so-called societal impact. The Fund is also focused solely on impact activities following from research, as opposed to education, for which other funding mechanisms exist through the Teaching and Learning Centres.

    The Amsterdam Law School’s Impact Fund for Research is set up as a complementary instrument to existing research funding options (such as the Faculty Strategic Fund) with the objectives to:

    • Stimulate young researchers to engage for the first time with impact activities as part of their academic work;
    • Support (experienced) researchers in trying new or innovative research impact activities which would otherwise not be funded;
    • Set up new relationships between Faculty researchers and non-academic stakeholders or creative partners to leverage legal research;
    • Encourage creative dissemination of a specific legal research project to non-academic stakeholders.
  • Start-up and incentive grants (for tenured assistant, associate and full professors) (closed)

    As of 2023 all researchers of the Amsterdam Law School who meet the eligibility criteria will receive 40% research time, unless they indicate that they do not need the extra research time. The 10% additional research time on top of the 30% will be paid from the incentive grants (‘stimuleringsbeurzen’). Under certain conditions, assistant professors who became permanent employees in 2017-2021 can apply for an additional 20% research time (on top of the 30%) by applying for an incentive grant (‘stimuleringsbeurs’). Start-up grants (‘startersbeurzen’) could be applied for until 13 September 2024 by assistant professors when they have a permanent position in or after 2022. Information on the conditions and procedures around the start-up and incentive grants (‘startersbeurzen’ and ‘stimuleringsbeurzen’) can be found below.

  • Strengthening of Dutch law (closed)

    In line with the sector plan 2019-2024, the faculty has reserved budget for strengthening Dutch law. These areas concern constitutional and administrative law, private law and criminal law. The respective groups have developed a 5-year strategic plan for strengthening their area of research. Attention has been paid, amongst other, to enhancing methodological and theoretical approaches, improving research grant applications, and attracting and retaining research talent in Dutch law. The plans have been established, and run from 1-1-2023 till 1-1-2028.

UvA research funds

Seed Grants & Midsize Grants

For theme-based collaboration on 4 different themes: 1) Responsible digital transformations; 2) Fair and resilient societies; 3) Sustainable prosperity; and 4) Healthy future.

Interfacultaire Research Priority Areas (RPA)

In competition, central funding can be obtained within the UvA for interfaculty initiatives. Funding can be applied for once a year and is in principle for 5 years. For more information:

Read more about the Research Priority Areas and the Amsterdam Law School

Support for external grant applications

UvA Research Support Portal

UvA's Research Support Portal provides general information on preparing, conducting and completing your research.

Grant search

Faculty support

Practical information

Research support team

The Amsterdam Law School offers advice on and support in preparing grant applications (from idea to submission), interview training, and match-making (finding co-applicants from other disciplines and faculties). See the Research support page.

If you have any questions, please email