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All research within the faculty is housed within ARILS. The research centres are organisational units with great autonomy and individual responsibility.

Directors research centres

Dr. M. (Maria) Weimer

Director a.i. Amsterdam Centre for European Law and Governance (ACELG)

Mr. dr. N. (Nuna) Zekić

Director Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Labour Studies/Hugo Sinzheimer Institute (AIAS-HSI)

Prof. I. (Ingo) Venzke

Director Amsterdam Center for International Law (ACIL)

Prof. dr. M. (Marija) Bartl

Director Amsterdam Center for Transformative Private Law (ACT)

Dr. J.P. (Joost) Poort

Director Institute for Information Law (IViR)

Prof. dr. mr. A. (Anniek) de Ruijter

Director Law Centre for Health & Life (LCHL)

Prof. dr. A.M. (Alessio M.) Pacces

Director Amsterdam Center for Law & Economics (ACLE)

Prof. dr. S. (Stef) van Weeghel

Director Amsterdam Centre for Tax Law (ACTL)

Mr. dr. A.M. (Marieke) de Hoon

Director Amsterdam Center for Criminal Justice (ACCJ)

Mr. dr. J. (Jacob) Giltaij

Director Paul Scholten Centre for Jurisprudence (PSC)

Prof. mr. J. (Jerfi) Uzman

Director Amsterdam Centre for Constitutional Culture & Democratic Governance (ACCu)


At the head of ARILS is a research director who, under a mandate from the dean, is responsible for all research conducted within the faculty. Within the faculty, each research center has its own director. The research director of ARILS, the dean and the research directors of all research centers together with a doctoral student (representing the doctoral students from the faculty) make up the Faculty Research Council.

Prof. G.K. (Göran) Sluiter

Research director ARILS