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P.A. (Plixavra) Vogiatzoglou

Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid
Internationaal Publiekrecht

  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
  • Postbus 15859
    1001 NJ Amsterdam
  • Profile

    Plixavra Vogiatzoglou is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Amsterdam Center for International Law (ACIL) and the Institute for Information Law (IViR). Her research focuses on the concept of digital sovereignty and how it is shaped by the promotion and promise of quantum technologies. She aims to critically assess the EU’s claim for digital sovereignty through, among others, norm-setting and investment in quantum technologies, taking into account EU and international law as well as critical legal perspectives, including feminist accounts.

    Plixavra holds a PhD from the KU Leuven Centre for IT & IP Law (CiTiP). Her dissertation questions the lawful establishment of mass data surveillance for predictive policing frameworks, in light of the EU's powers to provide security whilst safeguarding fundamental rights, particularly privacy, data protection, effective remedy, fair trial and presumption of innocence. At CiTiP, she further worked on national and European projects conducting research on how emerging technologies developed and deployed in the field of security impact privacy and data protection rights. Plixavra is also a certified lawyer in Greece and holds an LLM in Intellectual Property and ICT law from the KU Leuven Faculty of Law and an LLM in International Studies from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Faculty of Law.

  • Publicaties


    • Drechsler, L., & Vogiatzoglou, P. (2023). Quo Vadis Purpose Limitation? Norra Stockholm Bygg AB v Per Nycander AB. European Law Review, 48(4), 469-479.
    • Tzanou, M., & Vogiatzoglou, P. (2023). In Search of Legal Certainty Regarding ‘Effective Redress’ in International Data Transfers: Unpacking the Conceptual Complexities and Clarifying the Substantive Requirements. Review of European Administrative Law, 16(1), 11-34.
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