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Advice & support

Within ARILS, a special Grant Team has been assigned to support you with:

  • advice on acquisition of national and international grants
  • communicating opportunities and linking grant criteria to researchers' profiles
  • preparation of proposals (from idea to submission)
  • rebuttals and interview trainings
  • organizing workshops
  • match-making: linking you to researchers from other disciplines and faculties
  • sharing experience of other UvA faculties and other universities
  • overall acquisition and research policy & management

Open calls

IXA produces and disseminates a monthly newsletter containing information on funding opportunities. Subscribe to the IXA monthly newsletter.

Also see the Faculty's Open calls page with a selection of relevant calls, other funding opportunities, and workshops on how to apply.


You can reach the Grant Team of the Amsterdam Law School by emailing Project Coordinator Robin Buning.


The Grant Team of the Amsterdam Law School consists of the following persons:

Dr. R.O. (Robin) Buning

Project Coordinator (ARILS). For coordination and administrative support. Please contact the Project Coordinator well in advance as first point of contact.

Prof. dr. mr. G.K. (Göran) Sluiter

Research Director (ARILS). For matters concerning the Faculty’s research strategy and acquisition management.

Dr. O.V. (Olga) Gritsai

Research Grant Advisor (Grant Support IXA UvA-HvA). For advice & support regarding individual grants (ERC, NWO Vici, NWO SSH OC L).

R. (Rocío) Díez Arazola MA MSc

Research Grant Advisor (Grant Support IXA UvA-HvA). For advice & support regarding individual grants (NWO Veni & Vidi, MSCA PF, NWO SSH OC XS & M).

Dr. M.S. (Michael) Williams

Research Grant Advisor (Grant Support IXA UvA-HvA). For advice & support regarding (Horizon Europe) consortium projects.

Drs. E.H.V. (Erik) van Loon

Project Controller (UvA). For financial support (budgets). Please contact the Project Controller well in advance.

Dr. N.N.N. (Noah) van Dongen PhD

Research Design and Methods Expert (ARILS)

Grant Support IXA UvA-HvA

The Grant Team of the Amsterdam Law School is linked to the Grant Support Team UvA-HvA, which supports UvA and HvA staff seeking research funding or applying for research grants. This team is part of Innovation Exchange Amsterdam (IXA).